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发布时间:2023-07-13 作者: 浏览次数:1223

学历:博士                    所属部门: 微生物

职称:副教授                    招生专业:

联系电话: 18854887212 


史文宠,博士,副教授。长期围绕植物-微生物组互作开展研究,解析微生物在小麦养分高效利用、马铃薯疮痂病发生与防治中的作用,探究利用微生物提高作物抗病、抗逆的方法。在MicrobiomeJournal of Cleaner ProductionPostharvest Biology and Technology等杂志发表研究论文。









Shi W, Li M, Wei G, ... Zhou B* & Gao Z*. The occurrence of potato common scab correlates with the community composition and function of the geocaulosphere soil microbiome. Microbiome, 2019, 7(1): 1-18. (一区,五年IF=19.813

Shi W, Dong Q, Saleem M, ... Zhou B* & Gao Z*. Microbial-based detonation and processing of vegetable waste for high quality compost production at low temperatures. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 133276.(一区,五年IF=11.016

Shi W#, Su G #, Li M, … Zhou B* & Gao Z*. Distribution of bacterial endophytes in the non-lesion tissues of potato and their response to potato common scab. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12: 616013. (二区,五年IF=6.843

Zhang Q #, Shi W#, Zhou B, … Gao Z* & Chen Y*. Variable characteristics of microbial communities on the surface of sweet cherries under different storage conditions. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2021, 173: 111408. (一区,五年IF=7.001

Wang X #, Shi W #, Wang J, … Wang N* & Shi Q*. Control of southern root-knot nematodes on tomato and regulation of soil bacterial community by biofumigation with Zanthoxylum bungeanum seed. Horticultural Plant Journal, 2021, 7(1): 49-58. 区,IF=4.24

Wu N, Shi W, Liu W, … & Wang X. Differential impact of Bt-transgenic rice plantings on bacterial community in three niches over consecutive years. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 223: 112569. (一区,五年IF=7.284

Li C, Shi W, Wu D, ... & Gao Z. Biocontrol of potato common scab by Brevibacillus laterosporus BL12 is related to the reduction of pathogen and changes in soil bacterial community. Biological Control, 2021, 153: 104496. (二区,五年IF=4.141

Wei G #, Li M #, Shi W, ... & Gao Z. Similar drivers but different effects lead to distinct ecological patterns of soil bacterial and archaeal communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2020, 144: 107759. (一区,五年IF=9.956

Zhang C #, Gao Z #, Shi W, ... & Zhou B. Material conversion, microbial community composition and metabolic functional succession during green soybean hull composting. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 316: 123823. (一区,五年IF=11.139

Yu X, Chen Q, Shi W, ... & Zhang M. Interactions between phosphorus availability and microbes in a wheat–maize double cropping system: a reduced fertilization scheme. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2021, 20(0): 2-16. (二区,五年IF=4.021
