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发布时间:2023-11-20 作者: 浏览次数:1672

薛 丽 教授

2000.09-2004.07 中国农业大学学士

2004.09-2010.01 中科院遗传发育所博士

2010.02-2010.10 北京生命科学研究所研究助理

2010.11-2019.03 德国科隆大学博士后

2019.08-2023.07 浙江师范大学“双龙学者”特聘教授

2023.08-现在    山东农业大学生科院 教授






国家自然科学基金面上项目:(31970268) 丛枝菌根共生中调控CBX1转录因子的分子机制及其下游蛋白激酶的功能研究(2020-2023,主持,在研)






  1. Leng J, Wei X, Jin X, Wang L, Fan K, Zou K, Zheng Z, Saridis G, Zhao N, Duanmu D, Wang E, Cui H, Bucher M and Xue L (2023) ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZA-INDUCED KINASES AMK8 and AMK24 associate with the receptor-like kinase KINASE3 to regulate arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in Lotus japonicus. The Plant Cell35(6):2006-2026 (通讯作者)

  2. Xue Land Wang E (2020) Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations and the major regulators.Front Agr Sci Eng., 7 (3): 296-306 (共同通讯作者)

  3. Xue L*, Almario J*, Fabiaska I, Saridis G and Bucher M (2019) Dysfunction in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis has consistent but limited effects on the establishment of the fungal microbiota in Lotus japonicus. New Phytol. 224.1: 409-420 (共同通讯作者)

  4. Xue L, Klinnawee L, Zhou Y, Saridis G, Vijayakumar V, Brands M, Dörmann P, Gigolashvili T, Turck F and Bucher M (2018). AP2 transcription factor CBX1 with a specific function in symbiotic exchange of nutrients in mycorrhizal Lotus japonicus. PNAS. 115: E9239-E9246

  5. Xue L, Cui H, Buer B, Vijayakumar V, Delaux PM, Junkermann S and Bucher M (2015). Network of GRAS Transcription Factors Involved in the Control of Arbuscule Development in Lotus japonicus. Plant Physiology. 167: 854-871.

  6. Chen H*, Xue L*, Chintamanani S*, Germain H, Lin H, Cui H, Cai R, Zuo J, Tang X, Li X, Guo H and Zhou JM (2009). ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 and ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3-LIKE1 repress SALICYLIC ACID INDUCTION DEFICIENT2 expression to negatively regulate plant innate immunity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21: 2527-2540. (* 共一)


  1. Rich MK, Vigneron N, Libourel C, Keller J, Xue L, Hajheidari M, Radhakrishnan GV, Le Ru A, Diop SI, Potente G, Conti E, Duijsings D, Batut A, Le Faouder P, Kodama K, Kyozuka J, Sallet E, Becard G, Rodriguez-Franco M, Ott T, Bertrand-Michel J, Oldroyd GED, Szovenyi P, Bucher M, Delaux PM (2021) Lipid exchanges drove the evolution of mutualism during plant terrestrialization. Science 372 (6544):864-868.

  2. Vijayakumar V, Liebisch G, Buer B, Xue L, Gerlach N, Blau S, Schmitz J and Bucher M (2016) Integrated multi-omics analysis supports role of lysophosphatidylcholine and related glycerophospholipids in the Lotus japonicus-Glomus intraradices mycorrhizal symbiosis. Plant Cell & Environment. 39: 393-415.

  3. Zhu Z, An F, Feng Y, Li P, Xue L, Mu A, Jiang Z, Kim J, To T, Li W, Zhang X, Yu Q, Dong Z, Chen W, Seki M, Zhou JM and Guo H (2011). Derepression of ethylene-stabilized transcription factors (EIN3/EIL1) mediates jasmonate and ethylene signaling synergy in Arabidopsis. PNAS. 108: 12539-12544.

  4. Cui H, Wang Y, Xue L, Chu J, Yan C, Fu J, Chen M, Innes RW and Zhou JM (2010). Pseudomonas syringae effector protein AvrB perturbs Arabidopsis hormone signaling by activating MAP kinase 4. Cell Host & Microbe 7: 164-175.

  5. Wang X, Xue L, Sun J and Zuo J (2010) The Arabidopsis BE1 gene, encoding a putative glycoside hydrolase localized in plastids, plays crucial roles during embryogenesis and carbohydrate metabolism. J Integrat Plant Biol. 52: 273-288.

  6. Sun J, Hirose N, Wang X, Wen P, Xue L, Sakakibara H and Zuo J (2005) The Arabidopsis SOI33/AtENT8 gene encodes a putative equilibrative nucleoside transporter that is involved in cytokinin transport in planta. J Integrat Plant Biol. 47: 588-603.

Prof. Li Xue
State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology,

College of Life Sciences,

Shandong Agricultural University,

Tai'an, 271018, Shandong, China



PhD: Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinses Academy of Science, 2010

Bachelor: China Agricultural University, 2004



2010.02-2010.10 Research assistant, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing

2010.11-2019.03 PostDoc, University of Cologne, Germany

2019.08-2023.07 Principal Investigator, Zhejiang Normal University

2023.08-present Professor of Shandong Agricultural University


Research topics

1. The molecular mechanism of mycorrhizal symbiosis in promoting plant nutrient uptake.

2. Rhizosphere growth-promoting microorganisms.

3.The relationship between plant disease resistance and symbiosis.



2011-2014 Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship



1.      Leng J, Wei X, Jin X, Wang L, Fan K, Zou K, Zheng Z, Saridis G, Zhao N, Duanmu D, Wang E, Cui H, Bucher M and Xue L (2023) ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZA-INDUCED KINASES AMK8 and AMK24 associate with the receptor-like kinase KINASE3 to regulate arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in Lotus japonicus. The Plant Cell35(6):2006-2026(corresponding author)

2.      Xue Land Wang E (2020) Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations and the major regulators.Front Agr Sci Eng., 7 (3): 296-306 ( Co-corresponding author)

3.      Xue L*, Almario J*, Fabiaska I, Saridis G and Bucher M (2019) Dysfunction in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis has consistent but limited effects on the establishment of the fungal microbiota in Lotus japonicus. New Phytol. 224.1: 409-420 (Co-corresponding author)

4.      Xue L, Klinnawee L, Zhou Y, Saridis G, Vijayakumar V, Brands M, Dörmann P, Gigolashvili T, Turck F and Bucher M (2 018). AP2 transcription factor CBX1 with a specific function in symbiotic exchange of nutrients in mycorrhizal Lotus japonicus. PNAS. 115: E9239-E9246

5.      Xue L, Cui H, Buer B, Vijayakumar V, Delaux PM, Junkermann S and Bucher M (2015). Network of GRAS Transcription Factors Involved in the Control of Arbuscule Development in Lotus japonicus. Plant Physiology. 167: 854-871.

6.      Chen H*, Xue L*, Chintamanani S*, Germain H, Lin H, Cui H, Cai R, Zuo J, Tang X, Li X, Guo H and Zhou JM (2009). ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 and ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3-LIKE1 repress SALICYLIC ACID INDUCTION DEFICIENT2 expression to negatively regulate plant innate immunity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 21: 2527-2540. (* co-first author)

Co-author papers

7.      Rich MK, Vigneron N, Libourel C, Keller J, Xue L, Hajheidari M, Radhakrishnan GV, Le Ru A, Diop SI, Potente G, Conti E, Duijsings D, Batut A, Le Faouder P, Kodama K, Kyozuka J, Sallet E, Becard G, Rodriguez-Franco M, Ott T, Bertrand-Michel J, Oldroyd GED, Szovenyi P, Bucher M, Delaux PM (2021) Lipid exchanges drove the evolution of mutualism during plant terrestrialization. Science 372 (6544):864-868.

8.      Vijayakumar V, Liebisch G, Buer B, Xue L, Gerlach N, Blau S, Schmitz J and Bucher M (2016) Integrated multi-omics analysis supports role of lysophosphatidylcholine and related glycerophospholipids in the Lotus japonicus-Glomus intraradices mycorrhizal symbiosis. Plant Cell & Environment. 39: 393-415.

9.      Zhu Z, An F, Feng Y, Li P, Xue L, Mu A, Jiang Z, Kim J, To T, Li W, Zhang X, Yu Q, Dong Z, Chen W, Seki M, Zhou JM and Guo H (2011). Derepression of ethylene-stabilized transcription factors (EIN3/EIL1) mediates jasmonate and ethylene signaling synergy in Arabidopsis. PNAS. 108: 12539-12544.

10.  Cui H, Wang Y, Xue L, Chu J, Yan C, Fu J, Chen M, Innes RW and Zhou JM (2010). Pseudomonas syringae effector protein AvrB perturbs Arabidopsis hormone signaling by activating MAP kinase 4. Cell Host & Microbe 7: 164-175.

11.  Wang X, Xue L, Sun J and Zuo J (2010) The Arabidopsis BE1 gene, encoding a putative glycoside hydrolase localized in plastids, plays crucial roles during embryogenesis and carbohydrate metabolism. J Integrat Plant Biol. 52: 273-288.

12.  Sun J, Hirose N, Wang X, Wen P, Xue L, Sakakibara H and Zuo J (2005) The Arabidopsis SOI33/AtENT8 gene encodes a putative equilibrative nucleoside transporter that is involved in cytokinin transport in planta. J Integrat Plant Biol. 47: 588-603.
