Basic Information
Name: Gao Zheng
Department: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University
Position: Associate Professor. Director of department of biochemistry and molecular biology
Address: No. 61, Daizong Road, Taian, Shandong, 271000, China
Phone: +86-538-8249697
Email: gaozheng@sdau.edu.cn
Education and Working Experience
2010-PresentAssociate professor, Director of Department of biochemistry and molecular biology, College of Life Science, Shandong Agricultural University.
2017-2018Visiting Scholar (supported by CSC), Institute for Environmental Genomics (IEG), University of Oklahoma. Co-supervisor professor Jizhong Zhou
2013-2014Visiting Scholar (supported by Shandong Province), Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration. Co-supervisor professor Zongze Shao
2008-2010Lecturer, College of Life Science, Shandong Agricultural University
2007-2008Visiting Scholar, Department of Oceanography, University of Hawaii. Co-supervisor Dr Guangyi Wang
2003-2008Ph.D. College of Life Science, Shandong Agricultural University
1999-2003Bachelor, College of Life Science, Shandong Agricultural University
Teaching Courses:
Biochemistry, Biochemistry Experiments
Research Interests:
Microbial Ecology: To obtain abundance, community composition, diversity, function and acitivities of microbes from various habitats and treatments, using shotgun metagenomics, metatranscriptome, Geochip, amplicon highthroughput sequencing, qPCR, SIP, and so on. To reveal relationships among microbes and environmental parameters, construct co-occurrence network of different microbes, and illuminate coupling mechanism of substance metabolisms and microbes’ succession. Right now, we focus on nitrogen cycles of estuary, plant diseases associated soil microbial ecology and aerobic compost of agricultural wastes.
Environmental Microbiology: To obtain functional strains associated with plant growth promotion or biocontrol to various plant diseases from soils, plants and marine environments, evaluate their function and application potential, and reveal putative molecular mechanisms.
Research Projects:
Sub-project of National Key Research and Development Program of China: The research on coupling of the microbes’ succession and harmful substances inactivation in the process of aerobic compost of agricultural wastes. (2017YFD0800203) 2017-2020
National Natural Science Foundation of China: The research on the diversity and community composition of bacterial resource in the Yellow River estuary based on high-throughput sequencing. (41306150) 2014-2016
Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province: The research on dominate process and the mechanism of nitrate removal driven by microbes in the wetlands in Yellow River estuary. (ZR2018MD001) 2018-2021
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: The research on bacterial diversity and its relationship with environmental factors in the Yellow River estuary. (2012T50622) 2012-2013
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: The research on the distribution and diversity of bacterial communities in the Yellow River estuary. (2011M501156) 2011-2013
Sub-project of National Microbiological Resource Platform: Deep-sea microbial resources management in support of the national marine strategy. (Nimr-15-9) 2015-2015
Promotive Research Fund for Excellent Young and Middle-aged Scientists of Shandong Province: Effect of oil spill in Bohai Bay on the microbial ecology of the Yellow River estuary and adjacent Bohai Sea. (BS2012HZ011) 2012-2016
Project of Shandong Province Higher Educational Science and Technology Program: Effect of oil pollution on bacterial diversity in the Yellow River estuary and isolation of petroleum degrading bacterial strains. (J10LC09) 2010-2016
Distinguished Young Scholars Training Program of Shandong Agricultural University: Microbial ecology. 2017-2020
Open Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research: The research on the processes and mechanism of microorganisms conducted nitrate reduction in the wetlands in Yellow River estuary. (SKLEC-KF201603) 2016-2018
Open Funding Project of Key Laboratory of Marine Biogenetic Resources, SOA, China: The research on isolation and degradation mechanism of petroleum degrading bacteria in the Yellow River estuary and Bohai Sea. (HY201205) 2012-2013
Quanlin Fulvic Acid Fertilizer Engineering Laboratory Research and Development Fund: Effect and evaluation of fulvic acid fertilizer on salinized soil microbes. (QL2016-24) 2016-2018
Books Publications:
Fundamental Biochemistry. Higher Education Press. Co-chief editors.
Fundamental Biochemistry Digital Course. Higher Education Press. Co-chief editors.
Principles and Methods of Biochemical Experiment Technology (2nd version). China Agriculture Press. Associate chief editor.
Papers Publications:
1.Li MC, Wei GS, Shi WC, Sun ZT, Li H, Wang XY*, Gao Z*. (2018) Distinct distribution patterns of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in sediment and water column of the Yellow River estuary. Scientific Reports. 8(1): 1584.
2.Li FE, Li MC, Shi WC, Li H, Sun ZT*, Gao Z*. (2017) Distinct distribution patterns of proteobacterial nirK- and nirS-type denitrifiers in the Yellow River estuary, China. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 63(8): 708-718.
3.位光山, 张嘉炜, 李明聪, 高峥*. (2017) 黄河入海口水体细菌群落多样性及分布特征. 生物技术通报. 33(10): 199-208.
4.宋伟凤, 李明聪, 高峥*. (2017) 环境中微生物原位检测方法研究进展. 生物技术通报. 33(10): 26-32.
5.Wei GS, Li MC, Li FE, Li H, Gao Z*. (2016) Distinct distribution patterns of prokaryotes between sediment and water in the Yellow River Estuary. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 100(22): 9683-9697.
6.杨硕, 高峥*, 邵宗泽*. (2016) 南海冷泉区深海沉积物中细菌的分离培养及多样性分析.生物资源. 38(1): 34-40.
7.Yan PZ, Li MC, Wei GS, Li H*, Gao Z*. (2015) Molecular fingerprint and dominant environmental factors of nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria in sediments from the Yellow River Estuary, China. PLoS ONE. 10(9): e0137996.
8.Shan DP, Wei GS, Li MC, Wang WP, Li X, Gao Z*, Shao ZZ*. (2015) Distribution and diversity of bacterioplankton communities in subtropical seawater around Xiamen Island, China. Microbiological Research. 175: 16-23.
9.Li J, Wang J, Wang NX, Guo XQ*, Gao Z*. (2015) GhWRKY44, a WRKY transcription factor of cotton, mediates defense responses to pathogen infection in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC). 121(1): 127-140.
10.Wei GS, Sun J, Li J, Li H*, Gao Z*. (2015) New findings in effect of different crude oil concentrations on bacterioplankton communities. Microbiology China. 42(5): 826-834.
11.Wei GS, Li J, Wang NX*, Gao Z*. (2014) Spatial abundance and diversity of bacterioplankton in a typical stream-forming ecosystem, Huangqian Reservoir, China. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 24(10): 1308-1318.
12.Li J, Wei GS, Wang NX, Gao Z*. (2014) Diversity and distribution of nirK-harboring denitrifying bacteria in the water column of the Yellow River estuary. Microbes and Environments. 29(1): 107-110.
13.Gao Z, Wang X, Hannides KA, Sansone JF, Wang GY. (2011) Impact of redox-stratification on the diversity and distribution of bacterial communities in sandy reef sediments in a microcosm. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 29(6): 1209-1223.
14.Gao Z, Johnson ZI, Wang GY. (2010) Molecular characterization of the spatial diversity and novel lineages of mycoplankton in Hawaiian coastal waters. The ISME Journal. 4(1): 111-120.
15.Gao Z, Li B, Zheng CC, Wang GY. (2008) Molecular detection of fungal communities in the Hawaiian marine sponges Suberites zeteki and Mycale armata. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 74(19): 6091-6101.
16.Wang X, Singh P, Gao Z, Zhang X, Johnson ZI, Wang G. (2014) Distribution and diversity of planktonic fungi in the west pacific warm pool. PLoS One. 9(7): e101523.
17.Shan D, Ying J, Li X, Gao Z, Wei G, Shao Z. (2014) Draft genome sequence of the carrageenan-degrading bacterium Cellulophaga sp. strain KL-A, isolated from decaying marine algae. Genome Announcement. 2(2): e00145-14.
18.Shan D, Li X, Gu Z, Wei G, Gao Z, Shao Z. (2014) Draft genome sequence of the agar-degrading bacterium Catenovulum sp. strain DS-2, isolated from intestines of Haliotis diversicolor. Genome Announcement. 2(2): e00144-14.
19.Zhang S, Xu R, Gao Z, Chen C, Jiang Z, Shu H. (2014). A genome-wide analysis of the expansin genes in Malus × Domestica. Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 289(2): 225-236.
20.Wang M, Li SW, Yang HF, Gao Z, Wu CA, Guo XQ. (2012) Characterization and functional analysis of GhRDR6, a novel RDR6 gene from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Bioscience Reports. 32(2): 139-151.
21.Ai TB, Zhang L, Gao Z, Zhu CX, GuoXQ. (2011) Highly efficient virus resistance mediated by artificial microRNAs that target the suppressor of PVX and PVY in plants. Plant Biology. 13(2): 304-316.
22.Guo RY, Yu FF, Gao Z, An HL, Cao XC, Guo XQ. (2011) GhWRKY3, a novel cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) WRKY gene, is involved in diverse stress responses. Molecular Biology Reports. 38(1): 49-58.
23.Yang HF, Wang M, Gao Z, Zhu CX, Guo XQ. (2011) Isolation of a novel RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6 from Nicotiana glutinosa, NgRDR6, and analysis of its response to biotic and abiotic stresses. Molecular Biology Reports. 38(2): 929-937.
24.Zhang L, Xi DM, Li SW, Gao Z, Zhao SL, Shi J, Wu CA, Guo XQ. (2011) Cotton GhMPK2 is involved in abscisic acid signalling and positively regulates salt and drought tolerance in tobacco. Plant Molecular Biology. 77(1-2): 17-31.
25.Shi J, An HL, Zhang L, Gao Z, Guo XQ. (2010) GhMPK7, a novel multiple stress-responsive cotton group C MAPK gene, has a role in broad spectrum disease resistance and plant development. Plant Molecular Biology. 74(1-2): 1-17.
26.Shan DP, Huang JG, Yang YT, Guo YH, Wu CA, Yang GD, Gao Z, Zheng CC. (2007) Cotton GhDREB1 increases plant tolerance to low temperature and is negatively regulated by gibberellic acid. New Phytologist. 176(1): 70-81.