Haifang Li, Associate Professor, Ph.D., hfli1228@163.com, 15005489052 Research Interests: Fat metabolism, Differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells, Browning of white adipose tissue Education: 1999-2001 Yantai University, BSc of Aquaculture 2003-2006 Dalian Ocean University, MSc of Aquaculture 2006-2010 Tsinghua University, PhD of Biology 2010-2014 Lecturer, College of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University 2014-to now Associate Professor, College of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University Teaching Courses: Biochemistry Selected Publications: Chunhui Wang,Wenhui Liu, Xianning Zhang, YinghuiWang,Huan Liu, Haifang Li*. MEK/ERK signaling is involved in the role of VEGF and IGF1 in cardiomyocyte differentiation of mouse adipose tissue-derived stromal cells. International Journal of Cardiology, 2017, 228: 427–434.(Corresponding author) Haifang Li*, Yang Jiao, Linlin Zhang, Chunhui Wang, Xianning Zhang, HengjunGuo, Huibin Xu. The interferon-inducible protein p205 acts as an activator in osteoblast differentiation of mouse BMSCs. Differentiation,2016, 92: 318–325. (Corresponding author) Feihan Liu, Yang Jiao, Zhiqian Zhu, Chaochen Sun, Haifang Li*. Interferon- inducible protein 205 (p205) plays a role in adipogenic differentiation of mouse adipose-derived stem cells. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 2014, 392: 80–89. (Corresponding author) Haifang Li*, Feihan Liu, Hengjun Guo, Zhiqian Zhu, Yang Jiao. Role of interferon-inducible protein 202 (p202) in the regulation of adipogenesis in mouse adipose-derived stem cells. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 2014, 382: 814–824. (Corresponding author) Haifang Li*, Han Li, Hengjun Guo, Feihan Liu. Cholesterol suppresses adipocytic differentiation of mouse adipose-derived stromal cells via PPARγ2 signaling. Steroids, 2013, 78: 454–461. (Corresponding author) Haifang Li, Hengjun Guo, Han Li*. Cholesterol loading affects osteoblastic differentiation in mouse mesenchymal stem cells. Steroids, 2013, 78: 426–433. (First author) Haifang Li, Chichun Fong, Yao Chen, Guoping Cai*, Mengsu Yang*. Beta-adrenergic signals regulate adipogenesis of mouse mesenchymal stem cells via cAMP/PKA pathway. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 2010, 323: 201–207. (First author) Haifang Li, Chichun Fong, Yao Chen, Guoping Cai*, Mengsu Yang*. β2- and β3-, but not β1-adrenergic receptors are involved in osteogenesis of mouse mesenchymal stem cells via cAMP/PKA signaling. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2010, 496: 77–83. (First author)