Jiedao Zhang
发布时间: 2018-06-04                 浏览次数: 177

Jiedao Zhang, Associate Professor, Ph.D., jdzhang@sdau.edu.cn, 13954895892

Research Interests:

Crop Molecular Biology


1993-1997 Shandong Agricultural University, BSc of Agronomy

1997-2000 Shandong Agricultural University, MSc of Crop Genetics and Breeding

2003-2008 Shandong Agricultural University, PhD of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

2008-2018 Associate Professor, Collage of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University

Teaching Courses:


Selected Publications:

 Gang Jia, Wenjing Li, Meina Fan, Ru Yu, Yang Xu, Liwei Geng, Jiedao Zhang, Changxiang Zhu, Hongmei Liu, Pentapeptide-insertion scanning mutational analysis of turkey herpesvirus HVT063 reveals residues important for its RNA silencing suppression activity, Archives of Virology, 2018, 163: 167-174

 Chenchen Wang, Xiao Yang, Haizhen Ma, Jiang Liu, Jing Chen, Jiedao Zhang,  Shuting Dong, Baoxiu Qi, Xinzheng Li, Production of ei cosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) in maize (Zea mays L.) through the alternative ∆8 desaturation pathway mediated by particle bombardment, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2017, 39(5): 110

 Aiqing Sun, Shujuan Ge, Wei Dong, Xiaodi Shan, Shuting Dong, Jiedao Zhang, Cloning and Function Analysis of Small Heat Shock Protein Gene ZmHSP17.7from Maize. Acta Agronomica Sinica2015, 41(3)414-421

 Shujuan Ge, Aiqing Sun, Peng Liu, Jiedao Zhang, Shuting Dong. In silico Expression Profile of Maize Genes in Response to Osmotic Stress. Acta Agronomica Sinica201440(7)1164-1173

Lusha Ji, Rui Xu, Longtao Lu, Jiedao Zhang, Guodong Yang, Jinguang Huang, Changai Wu, and Chengchao Zheng, TM6, a novel nuclear matrix attachment region, enhances its flanking gene expression through influencing their chromatin structure. Molecular and Cells, 2013, 36: 127-137

 Aiqing Sun, Jiedao Zhang, Yongshan WanFengzhen LiuKun ZhangLi Sun. In Slico Expression Profile of Genes in Response to Drought in Peanut.Acta Agronomica Sinica2013, 39(6): 1045-1053

 Jiedao Zhang, Longtao Lu, Lusha Ji, Guodong Yang, Chengchao Zheng, Functional characterization of a tobacco matrix attachment region-mediated enhancement of transgene expression, Transgenic Research, 2009, 18:377-385

 Jiedao Zhang, Aiqing Sun, Genome-wide comparative analysis of the metalloprotease ftsH gene families between Arabidopsis thaliana and rice. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, 2009, 25(9):1402-1408

Yu-Tao Yang, Yan-Li Yu, Guo-Dong Yang, Jie-Dao Zhang, Cheng-Chao Zheng, Tissue-specific expression of the PNZIP promoter is mediated by combinatorial interaction of different cis-elements and a novel transcriptional factor, Nucleic Acids Research, 200937(8):2630-2644

 Xiao-Liang Wu, Wen-Cui Hou, Mei-Mei Wang, Xiao-Ping Zhu, Fang Li, Jie-Dao Zhang, Xin-Zheng Li & Xing-Qi Guo, RNA silencing-mediated resistance is related to biotic/abiotic stresses and cellular RdRp expression in transgenic tobacco plants, BMB Reports, 2008, 41:376-381