Yinggao Liu
发布时间: 2018-06-04                 浏览次数: 181

Yinggao Liu,  Associate Professor, Ph.D.,liuyg@sdau.edu.cn, 13854883096

Research Interests:

1. Cloning and functional studies of maize genes associated with excellent anti-stress. Using a library of maize Mu-Mudr mutants with full intellectual property in the laboratory, we screened many excellent resistance mutants. Subsequently, these resistance genes will be cloned and their function will be studied.

2. Mechanism of alternative splicing and function of spicing in plants. It mainly studies the molecular mechanism of the alternative splicing in plants and analyzes the function of specific alternative splicing.


9/1998-9/2005Department of Life Science, Lanzhou UniversityMaster.

9/2006-11/2009Department of Life Science, Hongkong Baptist UniversityDoctor.

Teaching Courses:

Cell biology

Selected Publications:

(1) NengHui Ye ; FengZhu Wang; Lu Shi; YunYing Cao; MoXian Chen; FuYuanZhu; YiZhen Wu; LiJuan Xie; ZeZhuo Su; Shi Xiao; Hao Zhang; Jianchang Yang;HaiYong Gu; XuanXuan Hou; ChangXiang Zhu; Jianhua Zhang; YingGao Liu*. Natural variation at the promoter of rice Calcineurin B-like Protein10 (OsCBL10)affects flooding tolerance during seed germination amongst rice subspecies., Plant Journal. 2018 Dol: 10.1111/tpj.13881 (Corresponding author)

(2) FuYuan, Zhu; MoXian, Chen,; NengHui, Ye; Lu, Shi; KaiLong, Ma; JingFang, Yang; YunYing, Cao; Youjun, Zhang; Takuya, Yoshida; Alisdair R, Fernie,; GuangYi, Fan; Bo, Wen; Ruo, Zhou; TieYuan, Liu; Tao, Fan; Bei, Gao; Di, Zhang; GeFei, Hao; Shi, Xiao; Yinggao, Liu*; Jianhua, Zhang. Proteogenomic analysis reveals alternative splicing and translation as part of the abscisic acid response in Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Journal, 2017.8, 91(3): 518~533 (Corresponding author)

(3) Yuying, Cao ; JingFang, Yang ; Yityuan, Liu; Zhengfen, Shu; Fuyuan, Zhu; Chen, Mo-Xian; Tao, Fan; Nenghui, Ye; Zhen, Fen; Lingjuan, Wang,; Gefei, Hao; Jianhua, Zhang; YinggaoLiu* , A Phylogenetically Informed Comparison of GH1 Hydrolases between Arabidopsis and Rice Response to Stressors, FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 2017.3.24, 8 (Corresponding author)

(4) Rui, Liu#; Yinggao, Liu#; Nenghui, Ye; Guohui, Zhu; Moxian, Chen; Liguo, Jia; Yiji, Xia; Lu, Shi; Wensuo, Jia; Jianhua Zhang * AtDsPTP1 acts as a negative regulator in osmotic stress signalling during Arabidopsis seed , , germination andseedling establishment Journal of Experimental Botany. 2015. 66 : 1339~1353.24  

(5) Zhu, Guohui#; Liu, Yinggao#; Ye, Nenghui; Liu, Rui; Zhang, Jianhua. Involvement of the abscisic acid catabolic gene CYP707A2 in the glucose-induced delay in seed germination and post-germination growth of Arabidopsis. , Physiol Plant, 2011.12.01, 143(4): 375~384

(6) Liu, Yinggao; Nenghui, Ye; Rui, Liu; Moxian, Chen; Zhang, Jianhua. H2O2 mediates the regulation of ABA catabolism and GA biosynthesis in Arabidopsis seed dormancy and germination. Journal of Experimental Botany 2010. 61: 2979~299011)

(7) Liu, Yinggao; Lin, Shi; Nenghui, Ye; Rui, Liu; Wensuo, Jia; Zhang, Jianhua. Nitric oxide-induced rapid decrease of abscisic acid concentration is required in breaking seed dormancy in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist. 2009. 183(4): 1030~104201  

(8) Liu, Yinggao; Wu, Ruru; Wan, Qi; Xie, Gengqiang; Bi, Yurong. Glucose-6 -phosphate dehydrogenase plays a pivotal role in nitric oxide-involved defense , against oxidative stress under salt stress in red kidney bean roots. Plant cell physiol. 2007. 48(3): 511~522