Hailong An
发布时间: 2018-06-04                 浏览次数: 201

Prof. Dr. Hailong An

College of Life Sciences

Shandong Agricultural University

Tai’an 271018, China

Tel: +86-538-8249909


Personal profile:

Dr. An was born in Linzhou city, Henan Province, China in 1973. He got his bachelor degree from Lanzhou University in 1996 and Ph. D. degree from Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, CAS in 2001. Then he gone to Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany and John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK as a postdoctoral research fellow in 2001 and 2005, respectively. He worked as a professor in College of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University since January, 2008 and focuses on molecular mechanisms of flowering and yield related traits of Brachypodium, wheat and maize.


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Research interest:

Flowering is an important agronomic trait. Appropriate flowering time makes the reproductive growth of plants occurring in suitable temperature and light conditions, which is vital for successful germinal cell and seed development. Brachypodium distachyon L. is an emerging model plant for cereals especially the temperate cereals like wheat, barley. Our interests aim at the molecular mechanisms of flowering and yield related traits in Brachypodium, wheat and maize, to provide the essential knowledge for crop genetic improvement.

Current research projects:

1. Molecular basis of flowering time in Brachypodium, wheat and maize.

2. Ac/Ds transposon tagging systems and populations in Brachypodium, wheat and maize.


  1. Yuyu Guo, Hongyu Wu, Xiang Li, Qi Li, Xinyan Zhao, Xueqing Duan, Yanrong An,  Wei Lv*, Hailong An* (2017). Identification and expression of GRAS family genes in maize (Zea mays L.). PLoS ONE, 12 (9): e0185418. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0185418 (*: corresponding author)

  2. Julia I. Qüesta, Jie Song, Nuno Geraldo, Hailong An, Caroline Dean (2016). Arabidopsis transcriptional repressor VAL1 triggers Polycomb silencing at FLC during vernalization. Science, 353: 485-488.

  3. Qi Li, Ye Wang, Fuxiang Wang, Yuyu Guo, Xueqing Duan, Jinhao Sun, Hailong An* (2016). Functional conservation and diversification of APETALA1/FRUITFULL genes in Brachypodium distachyon. Physiologia Plantarum, 157: 507–518. (*: corresponding author)

  4. Yanrong An*, Yuyu Guo, Chengcheng Liu, Hailong An* (2015). BdVIL4 regulates flowering time and branching through repressing miR156 in ambient temperature dependent way in Brachypodium distachyon. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 89: 92-99. (*: corresponding author)

  5. Yi Xu, Xia Zhang, Qi Li, Zhiyuan Cheng, Haijuan Lou, Lei Ge*, Hailong An* (2015). BdBRD1, a brassinosteroid C-6 oxidase homolog in Brachypodium distachyon L., is required for multiple organ development. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 86: 91-99. (*: corresponding author)

  6. Han Sun, Zhiai Guo, Lifeng Gao, Guangyao Zhao, Wenping Zhang, Ronghua Zhou, Yongzhen Wu,Haiyang Wang, Hailong An* and Jizeng Jia* (2014). DNA methylation pattern of Photoperiod-B1 is associated with photoperiod insensitivity in wheat (Triticum aestivum). New Phytologist, 204: 682–692. (*: corresponding author)

  7. Qi Li, Hailong An* (2013). ZFN/TALEN technology and crop genetic improvement. Plant Physiology Journal, 49 (7)626-636. (*: corresponding author)

  8. Jing Shi, Liang Zhang, Hailong An, Changai Wu, Xingqi Guo (2011). GhMPK16, a novel stress-responsive group D MAPK gene from cotton, is involved in disease resistance and drought sensitivity. BMC Molecular Biology, 12(1): 22.

  9. Ruoyu Guo, Feifei Yu, Zheng Gao, Hailong An, Xuecheng Cao, Xingqi Guo (2011). GhWRKY3, a novel cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) WRKY gene, is involved in diverse stress responses. Molecular Biology Reports, 38(1): 49-58.

  10. Jing Shi, Hailong An, Liang Zhang, Zheng Gao and Xingqi Guo (2010). GhMPK7, a novel multiple stress-responsive cotton group C MAPK gene, has a role in broad spectrum disease resistance and plant development. Plant Molecular Biology, 74(1-2): 1-17.

  11. Thomas Greb, Joshua S. Mylne, Pedro Crevillen, Nuno Geraldo, Hailong An, Anthony R. Gendall and Caroline Dean (2007). The PHD Finger Protein VRN5 Functions in the Epigenetic Silencing of Arabidopsis FLC. Current Biology, 17 (1): 73-78.

  12. Hailong An, Clotilde Roussot, Paula Suárez-López, Laurent Corbesier, Coral Vincent, Manuel Piñeiro, Shelley Hepworth, Aidyn Mouradov, Samuel Justin, Colin Turnbull and George Coupland (2004). CONSTANS acts in the phloem to regulate a systemic signal that induces photoperiodic flowering of Arabidopsis. Development, 131 (15): 3615-3626.

  13. Hailong An, Zhiming Wei and Jianqiu Huang (2001). Gold particle amount per bombardment of wheat transformation by biolistic method and phenotypic characteristic analyses of transgenic plants and their progeny. Acta Phytophysiologia sinica, 27 (1): 21-27.

  14. Jianqiu Huang, Zhiming Wei, Hailong An and Yuxian Zhu (2001). Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of rice with the spider insecticidal gene conferring resistance to leaffolder and striped stem borer. Cell Research, 11 (2): 149-55.

  15. Hailong An, Zhiming Wei and Jianqiu Huang (2000). High efficiency regeneration of wheat plants from immature embryos. Acta Phytophysiologia sinica, 26 (6): 532-538.

  16. Hailong An and Zhiming Wei (2000). Advances in genetic transformation of wheat. Chinese Journal of Cell Biology, 22 (4): 194-199.

  17. Jianqiu Huang, Zhiming Wei, Hailong An and Shuping Xu (2000). Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of rice with insecticidal Bacillus thuringiensis gene and bioassay of the transgenic plants. Acta Phytophysiologia sinica, 26 (6): 519-524.

  18. Jianqiu Huang, Zhiming Wei, Hailong An, Shuping Xu and Bing Zhang (2000). High efficiency of genetic transformation of rice using Agrobacterium mediated procedure. Acta Botanica Sinica, 42 (11): 1172-1178.