Xugang Li
发布时间: 2018-06-04                 浏览次数: 174

Xugang Li, Professor, Ph.D., xgli@sdau.edu.cn, 18366646370

Research Interests:

Stress and root stem cell development

Education and Employment:

1990-1994 Inner Mongolia University, BSc of Biology

1994-1997 Inner Mongolia University, MSc of Biology

1997-2000 Institute of Genetics and Delopmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

PhD of Genetics

2001-2002 the Max-Delbrück Laboratorium in MPI, Postdoctor fellow,                                    

2002-2007 Institute of Biology II, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Postdoctor fellow                                   2007-2014 Institute of Biology II, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg Researcher assistant, Group leader,

2014-2016 Jinan University, Professor

2017-     College of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University, Professor

Teaching Courses:

Developmental Biology, Botany

Selected Publications:

  1. Ditengou FA, Gomes D, Nziengui H1, Kochersperger P1, Lasok H, Medeiros V, Paponov IA, Nagy SK, Nádai TV, Mészáros T, Barnabás B, Ditengou BI, Rapp K, Qi L, Li X, Becker C, Li C, Dóczi R, Palme K (2018). Characterization of auxin transporter PIN6 plasma membrane targeting reveals a function for PIN6 in plant bolting.New Phytol.217(4):1610-1624.

  2. Wang H, Li X*, Krause L, Görög M, Schüler O, Hauslage J, Hemmersbach R, Kircher S, Lasok H, Haser T, Rapp K, Schmidt J, Yu X, Pasternak T, Aubry-Hivet  D, Tietz O, Dovzhenko A, Plame K, Franck D.(2015). Design, adaptation and use of a 2-D clinostat for simulated microgravity experiments with Arabidopsis seedlings. Microgravity Sci. Technol. DOI 10.1007/s12217-015-9478-1

  3. Palme K, Li X, Teale WD. Towards second green revolution: engineering nitrogen use efficiency (2014). J Genet Genomics.;41 (6):315-6.

  4. Yu X, Pasternak T, Eiblmeier M, Ditengou F, Kochersperger P, Sun J, Wang H, Rennenberg H, Teale W, Paponov I, Zhou W, Li C, Li X*, and Palme K. (2013). Plastid-localized GR2-controlled glutathione redox status is essential for Arabidopsis root apical meristem maintenance. The Plant Cell.  25, 4451-4468

  5. Chen Q, Sun J, Zhai Q, Zhou W, Qi L, Xu L, Wang B, Chen R, Jiang H, Qi J, Li X, Palme K, and Li C. (2011). The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor MYC2 directly represses PLETHORA expression during jasmonate-mediated modulation of the root stem cell niche in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 23, 3335-3352.

  6. Sun J, Chen Q, Qi L, Jiang H, Li S, Xu Y, Liu F, Zhou W, Pan J, Li X, Palme K, Li C.(2011) Jasmonate modulates endocytosis and plasma membrane accumulation of the Arabidopsis PIN2 protein. New Phytol. 191(2):360-75

  7. Cui Y, Li X, Chen Q, He X, Yang Q, Zhang A, Yu X, Chen H, Liu N, Xie Q, Yang W, Zuo J, Palme K, Li W.(2010). BLOS1, a putative BLOC-1 subunit, interacts with SNX1 and modulates root growth in Arabidopsis. J Cell Sci. 123(Pt 21):3727-33

  8. Sun J, Xu Y, Ye S, Jiang H, Chen Q, Liu F, Zhou W, Chen R, Li X, Tietz O, Wu X, Cohen JD, Palme K, Li C. (2009).  Arabidopsis ASA1 is important for jasmonate-mediated regulation of auxin biosynthesis and transport during lateral root formation. Plant Cell 21, 1495-1511

  9. Kharshiing, EV., Kumar, GP., Ditengou, FA., Li, X., Palme, K., R. Sharma (2009).The polycotyledon (pct1-2) mutant of tomato shows enhanced accumulation of PIN1 auxin transport facilitator protein. Plant Biology 12: 224–228.

  10. Teale, WD., Ditengou, FA., Dovzhenko, AD., Li, X., Molendijk, AM., Ruperti, B., Paponov, I., Palme, K. (2008). Auxin as a model for the integration of hormonal signal processing and transduction. Mol Plant 1: 229-37.

  11. Ditengou FA, Teale WD, Kochersperger P, Flittner KA, Kneuper I, van der Graaff , Nziengui H, Pinosa F, Li X, Nitschke R, Laux T, Palme K. (2008).

Mechanical induction of lateral root initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105, 18818-18823.

  1. Qi J, Qian Q, Bu Q, Li S, Chen Q, Sun J, Liang W, Zhou Y, Chu C, Li X, Ren F,  Palme K, Zhao B, Chen J, Chen M, Li C. (2008). Mutation of the rice  Narrow leaf1 gene, which encodes a novel protein, affects vein   patterning and polar auxin transport. Plant Physiol 147, 1947-1959

  2. Men S, Boutté Y, Ikeda Y, Li X, Palme K, Stierhof YD, Hartmann MA, Moritz T, Grebe M. (2008). Sterol-dependent endocytosis mediates post-  cytokinetic acquisition of PIN2 auxin efflux carrier polarity.Nat Cell Biol.   10, 237-244

  3. Chen S, Li X, Liu X, Xu H, Meng K, Xiao G, Wei X, Wang F, Zhu Z. (2005) Green  fluorescent protein as a vital elimination marker to easily screen marker-  free transgenic progeny derived from plants co-transformed with a   double T-DNA binary vector system. Plant Cell Rep 23, 625-631