Hongjun Liu, Professor, Ph.D., hongjunlsdau.edu.cn, (0538-8242285)
Research Interests:
Maize kernel development; Heterosis
2001-2005 Northeast Agricultural University, BSc of Agronomy
2005-2008 Northeast Agricultural University, MSc of Crop Genetics & Breeding
2009-2013 Sichuan Agricultural University, PhD of Crop Genetics & Breeding
2010-2012 Iowa State University, joint PhD of Crop Genetics & Breeding
2013-2013 Iowa State University, visiting scholar at Department of Agronomy
2014-2016 Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology, SIBS, CAS, Post-doc fellow
2016- Professor, Collage of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University
Teaching Courses:
Selected Publications:
1. Liu H, Ma L, Yang X, Zuo T, Zhang L, Zeng X, Peng H, Pan G, Wu Y, Shen Y: Integrative analyses of DNA methylation, mRNA, and small RNA during dedifferentiation of maize embryo. BMC plant biology 2017, 17(1):105.
2. Liu H, Zhang L, Wang J, Li C, Zeng X, Xie S, Zhang Y, Liu S, Hu S, Michael L, Thomas L, Zhao G: Quantitative trait locus analysis for 1 deep-sowing germination ability in the maize IBM Syn10 DH population. Frontiers in plant science 2017, 8:813.
3. Liu H, Shi J, Sun C, Gong H, Fan X, Qiu F, Huang X, Feng Q, Zheng X, Yuan N, Li C, Zhang Z, Deng Y, Wang J, Pan G, Han B, Lai J, and Wu Y*. Gene duplication confers enhanced expression of 27-kDa γ-zein for endosperm modification in quality protein maize. PNAS 2016, 10.1073.1601352113
4. Liu H, Yang X, Liao X, Zuo T, Qin C, Cao S, Dong L, Zhou H, and Zhang Y, Liu S et al: Genome-wide comparative analysis of digital gene expression tag profiles during maize ear development. Genomics 2015, 106(1):52-60
5. Liu H, Niu Y, Gonzalez-Portilla PJ, Zhou H, Wang L, Zuo T, Qin C, Tai S, Jansen C, Shen Y et al: An ultra-high-density map as a community resource for discerning the genetic basis of quantitative traits in maize. BMC genomics 2015, 16(1):1078.
6. Liu H, Zhou H, Wu Y, Li X, Zhao J, Zuo T, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Liu S, Shen Y et al: The Impact of Genetic Relationship and Linkage Disequilibrium on Genomic Selection. PloS one 2015, 10(7):e0132379.
7. Liu H, Qin C, Chen Z, Zuo T, Yang X, Zhou H, Xu M, Cao S, Shen Y, Lin H et al: Identification of miRNAs and their target genes in developing maize ears by combined small RNA and degradome sequencing. BMC genomics 2014, 15:25.
8. Jansen C, Zhang Y, Liu H, Gonzalez-Portilla PJ, Lauter N, Kumar B, Trucillo-Silva I, Martin JP, Lee M, Simcox K et al: Genetic and agronomic assessment of cob traits in corn under low and normal nitrogen management conditions. Theoretical and applied genetics, 2015, 128(7):1231-1242.(Co-first author).
9. Liu S, Zheng J, Pierre M, Ren J, Hu Y, He C, Liu H, Fu J, Frank F. W, Christopher T, Wang G: Unbiased K-mer Analyses Reveal Marked Changes in Copy Number of Highly Repetitive Sequences During Maize Domestication and Improvement. Scientific reports 2017, 7:42444
10. Ignacio T S, Michael L, Thomas L, Pedro J. G. P, Liu H, Jason D B, Jeff S, Juan P. S. M, Kanwarpal S. D: Mapping of QTL for N-metabolism related traits in a maize testcross population grown in the field under low and high nitrogen conditions. Theoretical and applied genetics 2017, 130(7):1453-1466
11. Yin F, Qin C, Gao J, Liu M, Luo X, Zhang W, Liu H, Liao X, Shen Y, Mao L et al: Genome-wide identification and analysis of drought-responsive genes and microRNAs in tobacco. IJMS 2015, 16(3):5714-5740.
12. Qin C, Yu C, Shen Y, Fang X, Chen L, Min J, Cheng J, Zhao S, Xu M, Luo Y, Liu H, et al. Zhang Z: Whole-genome sequencing of cultivated and wild peppers provides insights into Capsicum domestication and specialization. PNAS 2014, 111(14):5135-5140.
13. Ding H, Qin C, Luo X, Li L, Chen Z, Liu H, Gao J, Lin H, Shen Y, Zhao M et al: Heterosis in early maize ear inflorescence development: a genome-wide transcription analysis for two maize inbred lines and their hybrid. IJMS 2014, 15(8):13892-13915.
14. Chen Y, Liu H, Ali F, Scott MP, Ji Q, Frei UK, Lubberstedt T: Genetic and physical fine mapping of the novel brown midrib gene bm6 in maize (Zea mays L.) to a 180 kb region on chromosome 2. Theoretical and applied genetics, 2012, 125(6):1223-1235.
15. Wu Y, Ursula K. F, Liu H, Gerald D.L.F, Huang K, Wei Y, Thomas L: Combining genomic selection and doubled haploid technology increases efficiency of maize breeding, Book charpter: RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2014 Studium Press LLC, USA. Book Charpter