Chao Zhou
发布时间: 2018-06-04                 浏览次数: 170

ChaoZhou, lecturer, Ph.D.,,13455817508

Research Interests:

plant development biology


2004-2008 Shandong Agricultural University,Bioengineering

2008-2015 Shandong Agricultural University,plant development biology

Teaching Courses:


Selected Publications:

  1. Li Ping Tang, Chao Zhou, Shan Shan Wang, Jia Yuan, Xian Sheng Zhang* and Ying Hua Su* (2017) FUSCA3 interacting with LEAFY COTYLEDON2 controls lateralroot formation through regulating YUCCA4gene expression in
    Arabidopsis thaliana.New Phytologist213: 1740–1754.

  2. Ying Hua Su1, Yu Bo Liu1,Chao Zhou1,  Xiao Ming LiandXian Sheng Zhang* (2016) (co-first author) The microRNA167 controls somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis through regulating its target genes ARF6 and ARF8.Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 124:405–417.

  3. Xun Yue*, Xing Guo Li, Xin Qi Gao, Xiang Yu Zhao, Yu Xiu Dong and Chao Zhou (2016)The Arabidopsis phytohormone crosstalk network involves a consecutive metabolic route and circular control units of transcription factors that regulate enzyme-encoding genes. BMC Systems BiologyDOI: 10.1186/s12918-016-0333-9.

  4. Zhi Juan Cheng, Xiang Yu Zhao, Xing Xing Shao, Fei Wang, Chao Zhou, Ying Gao Liu, Yan Zhang, and Xian Sheng Zhang* (2014) Abscisic Acid Regulates Early Seed Development in Arabidopsis by ABI5-Mediated Transcription of SHORT HYPOCOTYL UNDER BLUE1. The Plant Cell 26: 1053–1068.

  5. Zhi Juan Cheng, Liang Wang, Wei Sun, Yan Zhang, Chao Zhou, Ying Hua Su, Wei Li, Tian Tian Sun, Xiang Yu Zhao, Xing Guo Li, Youfa Cheng, Yunde Zhao, Qi Xie, and Xian Sheng Zhang* (2013) Pattern of Auxin and Cytokinin Responses for Shoot Meristem Induction Results from the Regulation of Cytokinin Biosynthesis by AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3. Plant Physiology 161:240–251.

  6. Yan Zhang*, Sha Li, Liang Zi Zhou, Emily Fox, James Pao, Wei Sun, Chao Zhou and Sheila McCormick (2011) Overexpression of Arabidopsis thalianaPTEN caused accumulation of autophagic bodies in pollen tubes by disrupting phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate dynamics. The Plant Journal 68: 1081–1092.