Bo zhou, Associate Professor, Ph.D., zhoubo2798@163.com, 13562802798
Research Interests:
Microbial resources, biofertilizer, biological control
1991-1995 Shandong University, BSc of Microbial technology
1995-1998 Assistant,College of Resource and Environment,Shandong Agricultural University
1998-2000 Assistant,Collage of Life Sciences,Shandong Agricultural University
1998-2002 Shandong Agricultural University, MSc of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2000-2010 Lecturer,Collage of Life Sciences,Shandong Agricultural University
2007-2011 Shandong Agricultural University, PhD of Microbiology
2010-2018 Associate Professor, Collage of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University
2015 Visiting Scholar,UCD、UF
Teaching Courses:
General Microbiology, Biofertilizer Engineering,Bioengineering factory design.
Selected Publications:
1、First Report of Streptomyces bottropensis Causing Potato Common Scab in Hebei Province,
China,Plant disease,March 2017, Volume 101, Number 3,page502.
2、Biocontrol effects of Brevibacilluslaterosporus AMCC100017 on potato common scab and its
impact on rhizosphere bacterial communities,Plant disease,106 (2017) 89–98.
3、Statistical optimization of cultivation conditions for exopolysacchride production and mycelia
growth by Strophariarugosoannulata,Ann Microbiol,(2010) 60:89–96.
4、Extraction and antioxidant activities of intracellular polysaccharide from Pleurotus sp.
Mycelium,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,47 (2010) 116–119.
5、Extraction optimization and in vivo antioxidant activities of exopolysaccharide by Morchellaesculenta SO-01,Bioresource Technology, 101 (2010) 4564–4569.