Yong Wang
发布时间: 2018-06-04                 浏览次数: 222

Yong Wang, Ph.D., Professor, Taishan Scholar Eminent Scientist of Shandong Province,wangyong@sdau.edu.cn, +86 538 8243957.

Research Interests:

  1. Molecular mechanisms of Nitrate regulation in plants

  2. Regulation mechanisms of NO on root plasticity

  3. Characterization of key genes involved in nitrogen use efficiency of crops


1986-1990 Shandong Agricultural University, BSc of Crop Science

1990-1993 Shandong Agricultural University, MSc of Crop Genetics and Breeding

1993-1999 Lecturer, Department of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University

1999-2000 Visiting scholar, Institute of Plant Molecular Biology (Strasbourg), National Scientific Research Center of France (CNRS)

2000-2006 University of Lausanne, PhD in Plant Molecular Biology

2006-2010 Postdoctor, University of California in San Diego

2010-now Professor, College of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University

Teaching Courses:

Plant Physiology, Experiments of Plant Physiology, Plant Nutrition

Selected Publications:

1. Zhao, L., Zhang, W., Yang, Y., Li, Z., Li, N., Qi, S., Crawford, N.M., and Wang, Y.* (2018). The Arabidopsis NLP7 gene regulates nitrate signaling via NRT1.1-dependent pathway in the presence of ammonium. Scientific Reports 8:1487.

2. Cao, H., Qi, S., Sun, M., Li, Z., Yang, Y., Crawford, N.M., and Wang, Y. *(2017). Overexpression of the Maize ZmNLP6 and ZmNLP8 can complement the Arabidopsis nitrate regulatory mutant nlp7 by restoring nitrate signaling and assimilation. Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 1703.

3. Li, Z., Wang, R., Gao, Y., Wang, C., Zhao, L., Xu, N., Chen, K., Qi, S., Zhang, M., and Tsay, Y., Crawford, N.M., and Wang, Y.* (2017). The Arabidopsis CPSF30-L gene plays an essential role in nitrate signaling and regulates the nitrate transceptor gene NRT1.1. New Phytologist. 216: 1205-1222.

4. Xu, N., Wang, R., Zhao, L., Zhang, C., Li, Z., Lei, Z., Liu, F., Guan, P., Chu, Z., Crawford, N.M., and Wang Y.* (2016). The Arabidopsis NRG2 protein mediates nitrate signaling and interacts with and regulates key nitrate regulators. The Plant Cell 28, 485-504.

5. Wang G., Zhang S., Ma X., Wang Y., Kong F., Meng Q. (2016). A stress‐associated NAC transcription factor (SlNAC35) from tomato plays a positive role in biotic and abiotic stresses. Physiologia Plantarum. 158(1), 45-64.

6. Yang W., Xu X., Li Y., Wang Y., Li M., Wang Y., Ding X., Chu Z. (2016). Rutin-mediated priming of plant resistance to three bacterial pathogens initiating the early SA signal pathway. PloS one. 11(1), e0146910

7. Wang G., Kong F., Zhang S., Meng X., Wang Y., Meng Q. (2015). A chloroplast-targeted DnaJ protein contributes to maintenance of photosystem II under chilling stress. Journal of Experimental Botany. 66, 3027-3040

8. Wang, Y., Ries, A., Wu, K., Yang, A., and Crawford, N.M. (2010). The Arabidopsis prohibitin gene PHB3 functions in nitric oxide–mediated responses and in hydrogen peroxide–induced nitric oxide accumulation. The Plant Cell 22, 249-259.

9. Wang R, Xing X, Wang Y, Tran A, Crawford NM (2009) A genetic screen for nitrate-regulatory mutants captures the nitrate transporter gene NRT1.1. Plant Physiology 151(1): 472-478.

10. Wang, Y.1, Secco, D.1, and Poirier, Y. (2008). Characterization of the PHO1 gene family and the responses to phosphate deficiency of Physcomitrella patens. Plant Physiology 146, 646-656.

11. Ribot C., Wang Y., Poirier Y. (2008) Expression analysis of three members of the AtPHO1 family reveal different interactions between signaling pathways involved in phosphate deficiency and the responses to auxin, cytokinin, and abscisic acid. Planta 227(5): 1025-1036.

12. Stefanovic A., Ribot C., Rouached H., Wang Y., Chong J., Belbahri L., Delessert S., Poirier Y. (2007) Members of the PHO1 gene family show limited functional redundancy in phosphate transfer to the shoot, and are regulated by phosphate deficiency via distinct pathways. Plant J 50 (6): 982-994.

13. Benveniste I., Bronner R., Wang Y., Compagnon V., Michler P., Schreiber L., Salaun J.P., Durst F., Pinot F. (2005) CYP94A1, a plant cytochrome P450-catalyzing fatty acid ω-hydroxylase, is selectively induced by chemical stress in Vicia sativa seedlings. Planta. 221, 881-890.

14. Wang Y., Ribot C., Rezzonico E., and Poirier Y. (2004). Structure and expression profile of the Arabidopsis PHO1 gene family indicates a broad role in inorganic phosphate homeostasis. Plant Physiology 135, 400-411.

*: Corresponding author