Zhang Haisen, Associate Professor, Ph.D., hhss2002@sdau.edu.cn, 13405389527
Research Interests:
Crops Physiology and Molecular Ecology.
1998-2002 Shandong Agricultural University, BSc of Horticultural Science
2002-2005 Shandong Agricultural University, MSc of Pomology
2005-2008Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PhD of Physiological Ecology
2008-2014 Lecturer, Collage of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University
2014-Associate Professor, Collage of Life Sciences, Shandong Agricultural University
Teaching Courses:
Plant Physiology, Plant Ecology, Comprehensive Experiments of Biology
Selected Publications:
1. H.-S.ZHANG, D.-M. LI, Q.-P.TAN, H.-Y.GAO, and D.-S.GAO. Photosynthetic activities, C3 and C4 indicative enzymes and the role of photoperiod in dormancy induction in ‘Chunjie’ peach. PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 53 (2): 269-278, 2015.
2. Qingbiao Shi, Haisen Zhang, Xiaoyi Song, Yu’e Jiang, Ran Liang, Gang Li, Functional Characterization of the Maize Phytochrome-Interacting Factors PIF4 and PIF5. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018, 8: 2273. (Co first author)
3. LI Dong mei, TAN Yue, YU Qin, CHEN Xiu-de, LI Ling, ZHANG Haisen, GAO Dongsheng. Effects of photoperiod on operation of alternative pathway in nectarine flower buds during dormancy induction. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2011,10(12):1881-1886.(Corresponding author)
4. LI Dong mei, LI Ling, TAN Yue, CHEN Xiude, ZHANG Haisen, GAO Dong-sheng, LI Jin. Effect of photoperiod on key enzyme activities of respiration in nectarine buds during dormancy induction. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2011,10(7):1026-1031.(Corresponding author)
5. Lin Ma, Na Xue, Xiaoyu Fu, Haisen Zhang, Gang Li. Arabidopsis thaliana FAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYLS3 (FHY3) and FAR- RED-IMPAIRED RESPONSE1 (FAR1) modulate starch synthesis in response to light and sugar. New Phytologist,2017, 213, (4): 1682-1696.
6. Fanying Kong, Tingting Zhang, Jisheng Liu, Siqi Heng, Qingbiao Shi, Haisen Zhang, Zeli Wang, Lei Ge, Pinghua Li, Xiaoduo Lu, Gang Li. Regulation of Leaf Angle by Auricle Development in Maize. Molecular Plant, 2017,10: 516-519.
7. Hang Zhao, Di Wu, Fanying Kong, Ke Lin, Haisen Zhang, Gang Li. The Arabidopsis thaliana Nuclear Factor Y Transcription Factors. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 7: 2045.
8. ZHOU Yumei, HAN ShiJie, ZHENG Junqiang, XIN Lihua, ZHANG Haisen. Effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on soil microbial respiration and root/rhizosphere respiration in forest soil. Frontiers of Forestry in China, 2008, 3(2): 131-138.
9. ZHOU Yumei, HAN Shijie, ZHANG Haisen, XIN Lihua, ZHENG Junqiang. Response of needle dark respiration of Pinus koraiensis and Pinus sylvestriformis to elevated CO2 concentrations for four growing seasons’ exposure. Science in China D. 2007, 50(4):613-619.